
Filtered By Start Date: Mar 25, 2025

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March 2025

Tuesday Mar 25

Greenville Symphony Orchestra Master Class: Jackie Tso, violin

02:30 pm 04:00 pm

Smith Recital Hall

15 University Street, Greenville, SC 29601

Watch and learn from our amazing guest soloists as they work with talented and committed high school and college music students one-on-one in front of an audience of their peers and interested adults. Masterclasses are held at Smith Recital Hall, SC Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities. Violinist Jackie Tso has been heard as a soloist with orchestras around the world such as the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Santa Fe Concert Association Orchestra, and the Beijing Broadcasting Orchestra. Ms. Tso has also played in many of the world’s most prestigious competitions including the Premio Paganini, Yehudi Menuhin, Shanghai Isaac Stern