Let's Illustrate! Fun With Folktales

Project Description

Just in time for Halloween, join Kennedy Center Teaching Artist Donna Washington and SCGSAH Teaching Artist Daphne Cuadrado Andino as they explore the spooky folktale "The Ghost With One Black Eye." In this activity, students will learn about the role that illustrators play in storytelling, develop basic illustrating techniques, and create their own illustrations to go along with the story!

Suitable for grades 3-6.

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Artistic Process

Create, Respond, Connect

What's included

-Lesson Plan
-Storytelling video, featuring Kennedy Center Artist Donna Washington
-Lesson slideshow
-Printable storybooks for illustration activity

Guiding Question

How do illustrations enhance a story?

Standards Addressed

Visual Arts Standards:
VA.CR NM.1.1 I can use some elements of art to communicate a story about a familiar place or object. 

VA.CR NM.2 I can use some materials, techniques, and tools to create artwork.

VA.R NL.5.1 I can identify an object that is the subject or main idea an artwork.

VA.C NL.7 I can show art concepts among arts disciplines, other content areas, and related careers..

English Standards:
RL.3.7.1 Explain how illustrations contribute to create mood or emphasize aspects of character or setting. 

This resource also aligns with the following from the Profile of the SC Graduate:

World Class Skills: Creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving
Life and Career Characteristics: Self-direction, Global Perspective
Competency Statements:
Learn Independently, Express Ideas

About the Project Creator

To learn more about Daphne Cuadrado Andino, click here.

To learn more about Donna Washington, click here.

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As a part of the Governor’s School’s mission to serve as a resource to teachers and students across the state, the Office of Outreach provides classroom resources and professional learning opportunities to enrich arts education in South Carolina. Learn more.